Photo by Szilvia Csibi
This web site contains the most important professional and personal data about me.
e-mail: eniko at
phone: 00354 - 525 4148
My major research interests are igneous and metamorphic petrology and geochemistry, particularly fluid-rock interaction in the mantle and the crust of the Earth
Links on the left hand side contain the following information:
CV - My professional data concerning my education and work; long and boring, it is only for those people who would be interested in employing me in the future
Publication list- Still very professional, but it can be helpful for those geoscientists who have similar research interest.
Some simple information regarding my major scientific interest. In order to better understand I included some reference links mainly from Wikipedia.
Upper mantle xenoliths - Some basic information about
these rocks even for non-geologists
Fluid and melt inclusions - what they are and what they
can be used for
High pressure and temperature experiments - Some
basic information on the rationale and how do we do them
Links for people with geoscience interest
Travel - Places worth visiting in Hungary and Iceland